He just laughed and shrugged it off. 他只是一笑了之,对此满不在乎。
So you could almost shrug off the$ 2 billion for an off year, I guess. 因此,我猜也许你会认为这不过是流年不利,每年20亿美元也没什么。
'It's easier for them to shrug off one country complaining,'said Nicholas Lardy, senior fellow at the Institute for International Economics. 国际经济研究所(InstituteforInternationalEconomics)的高级研究员尼古拉斯•拉蒂(NicholasLardy)说,如果只有一个国家抱怨,中国还可以轻松地一笑置之;
In all, the pipeline approach doesn't hide from the transparency of XML data, hoping to shrug off security problems. 总之,管道方法不隐藏XML数据的透明性,而是试图摆脱安全性问题。
But, after years of misery and self-doubt, Lizzie Velasquez says she can finally shrug off the hurtful comments about her looks as` just words`. 然而,经过这么多年的痛苦和自我怀疑,莉齐·贝拉斯克斯说自己最终能够看开了,那些伤人的话仅仅是一些单词而已。
Being humble in your abilities but confident in your chances to grow will let you shrug off failures. 在自己的能力上保持谦虚,但在自己成长的机会上保持自信,这会让你摆脱失败。
But most companies will be able to shrug off the credit squeeze. 然而,多数公司都会对信贷紧缩不以为意。
Instead, we are embarrassed and shrug off the words we are really so glad to hear. 我们反而不知所措,对于我们其实很喜欢听的话耸耸肩膀表示不理睬。
You're a father and you can't simply shrug off your responsi-bility for your children. 你是个父亲,对孩子应担负的责任你不能置之不理。
Unsurprisingly, fund managers shrug off the idea their fees will come under pressure this year. 毫不意外的是,基金经理并不理会其费用今年将面临压力的这一看法。
They shrug off the defeat. 他们没有被失败吓倒。
She can shrug off all her troubles. 她对她的麻烦事满不在乎。
She can shrug off her troubles and met smiling. 她对困难毫不在意,总是而带笑容。
So far, their publics have reacted with remarkable equanimity. Perhaps countries that have recent memories of real turbulence and hard times are better able to shrug off the consequences of a sudden economic setback. 迄今为止,那里的公众表现出了超乎寻常的镇定。这些国家对于真正的动荡和艰难岁月仍记忆犹新,它们或许更容易摆脱经济衰退带来的影响。
The pills can help to relieve you from pain. It is wrong to shrug off this kind of disease. 一种疾病症状的减轻。这药片会帮你减轻病痛。
It is wrong to shrug off this kind of disease. He sets at naught every convention of society. 轻视这种疾病是不对的。他轻视所有的社会习俗。
If you come away from a session at your computer with aching hands or eyes that feel full of sand, you may shrug off your discomforts as an unavoidable consequence of too much time at the keyboard. 如果刚开完一个电脑会议之后,你有手臂痛疼或是眼睛里像是掺了沙子一样的感觉。你也许会耸耸肩膀认为这必然是敲键盘太久导致的不舒适。
If China was simply a medium-sized country, the world could shrug off its currency policies. 如果中国只是一个中等规模国家,世界各国大可对其货币政策不闻不问。
I hope I manage to shrug off this cold before I go on holiday. 在去度假之前,我希望能摆脱感冒。
Americans will no longer be able to shrug off European concepts. 美国人再也不能来蔑视欧洲人的观点。
Unlike an achy knee or crabby lower back, chest pain isn't something to shrug off until tomorrow. 有备无患胸部疼痛,与膝关节的疼痛、腰痛等不同;
Only in this way can laid-off workers completely shrug off poverty and regain their dignity in life. 只有这样下岗工人才能彻底摆脱贫困并且重新获得他们生命中的尊严。
I admire the way she is able to shrug off unfair criticism. Frank seems to think the sun shines out of the manager's arse: in his opinion, he can do no wrong. 我很佩服她能对错误的批评意见不予理会。弗兰克似乎非常钦佩经理;依他之见,他不会做错事。
Criticism which she can just about shrug off but which he takes painfully to heart. 这种批评她差不多可以置之不理,但他却不能不感到痛心疾首。
It took me a long time to shrug off the effect of a drug. 我花了好长时间才摆脱了药物的影响。
Try these strategies, and you'll be prepared to shrug off any tough situation thrown at you. 尝试这些策略,你将摆脱任何投向你的困难问题。
None of this means China can completely shrug off safety concerns. 这并不意味着中国可以完全不理会安全担忧。
It takes me a long time in the morning to shrug off sleep. 我早晨要花好长时间才能消除睡意。
It feels like a chance to be different from myself; to shrug off what is cumbersome and grasp something light and free. 我觉得这像是一个机会,可以改头换面,摆脱一些麻烦事,抓住一些轻松自由的东西。